10 HP one cylinder, wooden axles and frame.
This car was purchased in 1910 in San Antonio, Texas for $485.00. It was driven to Bedford, Pennsylvania and then returned to Sonora, TX. A trip that took three weeks each way
An ongoing restoration has reveled the above bracket that holds the firewall to the frame. An inscription dated January 8, 1910 must have been added during construction. The location of the bracket has prevented it from being detected for more than 101 years. If the Brush Auto employee could have only imagined the means by which it is being displayed today.

In that era automobile owners in Texas were required to fabricate their own license plates. This was the 19th automobile registered in Sonora, Sutton County, Texas. Registration fees in 1910 were fifty cents to one dollar. This vehicle was donated in 1954 to the Fort Concho Museum in San Angelo, Texas by the original purchaser. The museum later changed to a different era and sold the vehicle in 1982.